e–Rama Dikir Barat Competition
(e)-Rama Dikir is an online dikir competition that aims to foster interest and appreciation for the Malay language through the art of Dikir Barat, to encourage participation among youth and children and to popularize Dikir Barat across all layers of society through social media. This competition is organized for the very first time by Singapore Dikir Barat Federation, with the support of Malay Language Council, Singapore in conjunction with Bulan Bahasa (Malay Language month). Our Dikir Barat boys participated in the Awak-Awak Challenge and won 2nd place.
• A group photo of our dikir barat students, teachers, and trainer taken outside the MOE Edutorium.
• A video of Lakeside Primary’s Dikir Barat performance that was uploaded for viewers to vote.