Student Leadership Development
Department Goals:
The Pupil Development (PD) Department aims to maintain the positive school tone that encourages students to develop and exercise self-discipline and leadership. This supports the school’s continuous efforts to strengthen positive school culture and enhance pro-social relationships amongst students, teachers and parents.
The PD teams plan and implement programmes that develop and stretch leadership in students and differentiated learning experiences that cater to the needs of different student groups.
Discipline / Student Management
Adopting Restorative Practices (RP) as the discipline approach, the PD-Discipline team drives positive and proactive discipline to ensure a safe environment that prevent negative behaviors from happening. As opposed to the traditional punitive measures, the school practices discipline with dignity where disciplinary issues are addressed in a restorative manner, focusing on
- students acknowledging their mistakes;
- students learning to be accountable of their misconduct and be facilitated to repair the harm caused to others;
- the healing of relationships that allows student offenders to be re-integrated into their social communities.
This approach allows students to foster a greater sense of belonging, safety and social responsibility within the school community, enhancing their overall school experiences.
Student Leadership Development (SLD)
Embracing the school’s philosophy Every Individual C.A.N., a duo-pronged approach allows all Lakers to be given the opportunity to learn and practice leadership and to develop his / her leadership potential. Through school- and level-wide character and leadership programmes, students learn to be responsible and are empowered to take ownership of their attitudes, behavior, emotions and choices. They also learn to appreciate and to work with leaders in class and in school.
Framed to the school-based 3C Constructs of Leadership, leadership development programmes are planned and implemented to maximise the leadership potential of Laker Leaders, growing them to be active contributors and confident voices that promote leadership, positive learning culture and school spirit among students.
Target Leaders |
Class EXCO: Class Monitors,ICT, Environment, PE, Art, Music Monitors (P1-P6) |
Student Leaders: CCA Leaders,Prefects,Peer Support Leaders (PSL) (in their 1st-2nd year of appointment) |
Student EXCO: Prefect EXCO; Senior CCA Leaders/ Prefects / PSL / (mostly their 3rd-4th year of appointment) |
3C Constructs |
Character Development | Competency Building | Commitment to Growth |
Leading Self | Confident Leaders take charge. |
Competent Leaders learn and practise. |
Committed Leaders think and grow. |
Leading Others |
Confident Leaders Impact and influence others. |
Competent Leaders value and team with others. |
Committed Leaders empower and inspire others. |
Key Programmes:
The After Curriculum Engagement and Support (ACES) programme caters to identified P4-6 students. It has evolved to provide life-skills coaching and mentoring for its members. Enrichment activities were infused into the ACES experience to strengthen relationships with adults and promote a positive peer culture. The design of ACES aligns to the school’s 3-INs framework: INTEREST-INVOLVE-INITIATE, i.e. to bring about positive experiences, purposeful engagement and motivation in the students.
BRight Room Recess Play (BRRP) and ACES allows students drop in at the BRight Room during recess and after school to engage in meaningful peer bonding, positive social interaction and learning through recreational activities. Here, students can develop a sense of belonging and being valued; where they share the challenges they are facing while supporting one another.
Student Leaders Development- Leader in Me
The school adopted The Leader in Me (LIM) programme, which is adapted from Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, for our leadership development curriculum. In the first year of their appointment, all student leaders will be imparted knowledge and hands-on practice based on the LIM programme.
Student Leaders in action
Leadership is a craft, best learnt through experiences. In Lakeside Primary, our student leaders are provided numerous platforms to grow their leadership skills.
In their second and third year as student leaders, students leaders will attend a 2-day Student Leaders’ Camp, where they will learn to apply and put into practice the 7 Habits, in their projects and student-led activities held as part the school programmes such as CCA Xperience, Teachers’ Day Celebration, International Friendship Day, Earth Week, e.t.c.
The Prefect EXCO and Head Prefect Elections
The Elections running up to the Annual Student Leaders Investiture provides an authentic learning experience, which complements the school’s efforts in cultivating character and life skills through leadership and values education.
The Prefect EXCO Elections provides Primary 4 and 5 prefect candidates the experience of public speaking and responsible decision-making. During the Elections Campaign Week, identified EXCO candidates will share their leadership experiences, ideas and personal values during school assemblies. Such a platform will allow the head prefect candidates to apply the 3C Leadership Construct of being confident, competent and committed leaders.
• Leading Self is taking ownership of our attitudes and contributing to the BRight school culture.
• Leadership is Character in Action~J Hunter
• To lead others is to positively impact and influence others.
• Twice a year, the Leaders Appointment Ceremony and Student Leaders Investiture celebrate leadership and recognize different groups of student leaders in Lakeside Primary School.
• Peer Support Leaders are identified and undergo training at P4, to look out for their peers who need a pair of listening ears and helping hands.
• Led by the Head Prefect, Lakers recite the Laker Leaders Creed as a school.
• The Laker Leaders Creed, launched at the Student Leaders Investiture 2021, signals to all students that everyone plays a leadership role, regardless of appointment
• The BRight Room provides a safe space where students come together and practise befriending skills.
• BRight Recess Play (BRRP) provides students to lead themselves to play and interact positively with others.